Meet the Author and Giveaway!

Hi everyone,
I'd like to introduce you to Kelly Carrero, author of Evolution.
I'm also holding a giveaway for Kelly. The winner will recieve an ebook (kindle format) of Evolution. To enter, just comment on this post. I'll randomly pick a winner June 1st.

Can you tell us about your book, Evolution?
The story is about a 17 year old girl called Jade Harris, who discovers she is one of the few humans who have taken the next step in the evolution of the human species. She has a mother who is rarely there for her, and a father that may as well have just been a sperm donor. The only person who is really there for Jade, is her boyfriend Aiden Scott who is also like her. After finding out what she really is, Jade also has to find her best friend who has been kidnapped by the psycho who is responsible for her terrifying visions. Jade is yet to discover that she is caught up in a sick game to find out what she is truly capable of.

Where did you get the idea for Evolution?
Its a funny story actually. I came up with the idea during a year 10 English exam. We were given various black & white pictures where we had to pick one, and start writing a story about what the picture says to us. Well I picked a picture of a black bird that looked to me like a raven, sitting in what I thought was a noose, and began this story. After reading it out in class (and everyone loving it), my teacher gave me a F because of the topic I had chosen. Apparently it was a canary sitting in it's swing & there was no place for death in a Christian School. The story had stayed in my thoughts for over 10 years, and after I had my son, I finally had the time to finish what I started all those years ago.

How many books will be in the series?
I'm not entirely sure yet. There will definitely be 3 but possibly a 4th.

Have you always wanted to be an author?
Actually when I won my first writing competition in grade 3 I thought that was what I wanted to do, but then things changed and some how I ended up in the finance industry where I was a Business Development Manager before I had my son.

Are there any future projects you are working on?
Besides the sequel to Evolution, I have also started writing another series about Vamps, Demons ect. that is a lot darker than the Evolution series.

What kind of books do you like to read? Do you have a favorite book?
Apart from yours (hehehe), I would have to say the Vampire Academy series. I absolutely love YA, so much so that I haven't picked up another genre in the past 4 years.

What is your favorite snack?
I'm usually not one for snacking but if I had to say something that I can't help myself but consume, it would definitely be coffee.

What is your favorite movie?This is a hard one, there are so many movies I love. At the moment I would have to say Fast n Furious series (except #3 - 'cause not sure what the hell they were doing with that one).

If you could have any supernatural power which would you choose and why?
If I had to answer honestly, I think it would be mind control abilities, because let's face it, who wouldn't want to get whatever they want.

Links to author pages: