Quick reminder about the Clinton Gun Ban.

Everyone is pointing to the Clinton Gun Ban as a great time in American history.  What everyone forgets is that same gun ban led to the rise of the militias (hardcore militias).  If that ban is reinstated then I personally know of entire neighborhoods that would have to be searched in order to collect all the weapons.

I know of some guys that even have weapons buried in PVC pipe.

Gun sales will explode, ammo will rush off the shelves and you'll have 50 years of gun sales happen in a matter of months.  And those people will go under ground with them.  There is no way that the ATF, FBI and National Guard could search all the homes necessary to put the genie back in the bottle.

Last but not least the President's agenda will be crushed.  Implementing Obama Care and fighting off all the pissed people because of the increase in insurance premiums would be enough to keep any administration occupied but add Amnesty for illegals, Climate Change that some are pushing, the economy still struggling, trouble overseas and the unforeseen stuff that always pops up, I JUST DON'T SEE HOW THEY CAN FIT IT IN WITHOUT SACRIFICING SOMETHING ELSE!