Mobile Landing Platform. Is it worth it?

via North County Times.
The MLP has been nicknamed the "pier-at-sea" because the vessels will serve as a staging area for supplies and equipment. Other ships will dock with the MLP and offload material that will be transported ashore. The MLPs also are designed to service the type of hovercraft that are used to shuttle Marines. The Navy awarded NASSCO contracts to build three MLPs, and the Obama administration has set aside money for a fourth. The ships will be operated by the Military Sealift Command.
Maybe this is buyers remorse on my part.  Maybe I'm beginning to question the concept in this time of budget austerity (oh the pain is coming...and with the meetings that I'm hearing about that the President is having, the defense budget will be raped to pay for EVERYTHING else). But I wonder if money wouldn't have been better spent on enhanced at sea cranes or maybe modifying current ships to meet the projected requirement.

I'm looking at the MLP and I see a few more LCACs that could have been purchased...maybe high speed LCUs...more capable-heavy lift LCUs...but the MLP?  A super specialized ship in an age of multi-use platforms?

I'm just not sure anymore.