Jazzman Voters Guide

The most important race in New Jersey is LD-16 for the Assembly. Marie Corfield is the clear choice and will give parents and teachers a long-needed voice in the State Assembly. If you live in this district, I implore you to vote for Marie.

In Perth Amboy: I won't say who you should vote for in the school board election. But you should know this: the "Better Schools Now!" slate is being backed by out-of-state interests that want nothing more than to push unaccountable charter schools into your community. If you believe in local control, voting for this slate would be against your interests.

Most congressional races in NJ are forgone conclusions, except for one: we may be able to pull off a dark horse victory for Upendra Chivukula in the 7th if everyone who cares about public education gets out and votes. Leonard Lance pretends he is a moderate, but we all know there is no such thing anymore in the Republican party.

Shelley Adler in the 3rd hasn't run a great campaign, but is so far superior to Jon Runyan that I can't imagine anyone voting for him.

Of course Robert Menendez is going to win for Senate, but you need to pull the lever for him to show the sleazeballs in the Republican party that slimy tactics don't work.

Yes on Question 1; No on Question 2.

For president: hold your nose and vote for the center-right, anti-public education candidate Barack Obama. Sorry, but the thought of "President Mitt Romney" is far too scary to do anything else.

If you are outside of Jersey (enjoy having electricity), follow this guide from Diane Ravitch:
If you live in Washington State, vote NO on 1240 and show the billionaires that you won’t let them start the process of privatization.
If you live in Georgia, vote against the ALEC initiative and preserve local control.
If you live in Bridgeport, Connecticut, vote against the Mayor’s attempt to take away your right to elect the school board.
If you live in Los Angeles, vote for Robert Skeels for LAUSD school board.
If you live in Ohio, vote for Maureen Reedy for the legislature.
If you live in New Jersey, vote for Marie Corfield. [Go Marie! - JJ]
If you live in Pennsylvania, vote for Richard Flarend.
If you live in California, vote yes on 30 to support public education and no on 32, meant to hobble unions.
Leonie Haimson expands on these.

Finally, as a general rule: if a candidate is a TFA alum, stay away.

We have a lot of work to do over the next several years to save public education. Let's start today.