CV90120...Perfect for the 82nd's Airborne Main Battle Tank requirement.

The US Army is seeking to mechanize the 82nd Airborne and the CV90120 would be the perfect direct fire support vehicle.

The missing piece is a vehicle for troop transport.  For that limited role upgraded M-113's would be perfect.

With this mix the 82nd maintains strategic mobility but would also have limited tactical mobility to either expand or protect their airborne bridgehead.  The CV90120 weighs in at around 35 tons which means that one C-130 C-17 (thank Grim..I was thinking C-17 but wrote 130...election has my head clouded) could carry 2 and that's in combat configuration.

It would need to be certified for airdrops or LAPPES but that shouldn't be a big lift for the USAF.  These vehicles wouldn't be the first choice to operate in IED infected areas but would more than suffice when it comes to fulfilling the 82nd's out of area operations requirement.

One brigade of CV-90120's assigned to the 18th Airborne Corps along with another brigade of upgraded M-113's.

Mechanized Airborne is borne.