CBO and the Ground Combat Vehicle.

B. Smitty sent me a copy of the CBO report on the US Army's Ground Combat Vehicle.  It makes for interesting reading and I've attached a copy so you can see what the fuss is about.

Pic taken from the CBO Report.
I think this one pic I grabbed says it all.  The US Army wants an APC that's as large as a Main Battle Tank, yet at the same time they're talking about maintaining strategic AND tactical mobility?


Read the report below and see how this concept is from the fevered dreams of some madman at TRADOC.  What this document is really screaming is that the US Army still thinks IEDs are present and future threat on the battlefield.  What has me really scratching my head is the obvious.  The Bradley can be modified....lose the turret and the 25mm chain gun, add a 50 cal RWS, put in a couple more seats and add a bit of blast protection and you have your GCV on the cheap.
