3 amphibs to Jersey..a case of image over substance?

via Business Week.

The U.S. Navy is sending three large-deck amphibious ships to waters off of New York and New Jersey to assist in storm recovery and relief, according to the Navy’s chief of information.
“The Navy is moving ships to be closer to the areas affected by the hurricane,” Rear Admiral John Kirby, the service’s chief spokesman, said in a blog posting today.
The Pentagon said in a separate update on military assistance that 10,000 Army and Air Force National Guard personnel have been mobilized to provide support in the 13 states that were hit hardest by superstorm Sandy.
While the three ships haven’t been officially assigned to post-storm duties, Kirby said the moves “will allow our forces to be best-postured to minimize the amount of time it will take these forces to get on station if tasked.”
The USS Wasp, USS San Antonio and USS Carter Hall are being sent from Norfolk, Virginia. The San Antonio is the lead ship in the new $18.8 billion, 12-ship LPD-17 class. The three vessels are capable of carrying Navy helicopters or refueling Army choppers.
The Wasp was already out to sea riding out the storm when it headed north “to be better positioned,” Kirby said, and the other ships today were ordered to follow.

This is gonna be controversial.  But here goes.  Is the Navy again doing an image over substance exercise?

I mean seriously!  I saw the same thing happen with Haiti.  The Coast Guard chest thumped for two weeks about being the first on the scene but in reality there was little that a couple of Coast Guard Cutter could do to aid the suffering.

Same with the Navy.  They rushed a carrier down to that island but again.  There was little that could be done.  It acted as a large helo pad and that was it.

Now we're seeing the same thing.  Amphibs are being rushed to the area but what exactly are they suppose to do without their compliment of Marines?

What could the military contribute that would be most appreciated?  The National Guard is providing troops so that box is checked.  Maybe (like John stated) we could send the AAV detachment at Quantico up the coast to assist in the search and rescue.  Amphibious vehicles along with a Rifle Company or two would probably be welcomed.

If the Amphibs are manned then the surgical department could help back up local hospitals.  An Engineer company from the Corps would be of use...or even better some Navy SeaBees, but amphibs?

Image over substance.  But looks are what counts here.  Not actual utility.