It's that time again

It's that time again when I dither about bangs. I'm planning on a hair cut after I get back from California (not a chop this time!). I was planning on growing my bangs out but I wore them straight across last night instead of pushed off to the side like I usually do when I don't do them vintage style. And I really liked it. They'd definitely need some shaping but I think it could work.

I adore Zooey Deschanel.

I don't have those crazy blue eyes though.

Love it!

Chuck (Anna Friel) of Pushing Daisies also rocks the long bangs.

And she makes it work with a qwirky retro style.

Katy Perry looks lovely with them.

(C) Vixen Vintage
And let's not forget how gorgeous Solanah looks with bangs!

(C) Vixen Vintage
She's too cute!

Do you think I can rock these long bangs?