Hello Everyone.

As anyone who has visited this blog has no doubt noticed, we wrote three blog entries back in 2009 and stopped after that. The reason for this was simple. We were just using this blog site as a free substitution for having an actual "website" in which to post our episode chronology.

However, it has since occurred to me that the blog format provides the unique opportunity to make this a place where I could not only post the chronology itself, but comment on the saga as it unfolds during viewing... as well as encourage others to do the same!

Since posting the original list, two of us have actually gone through and watched the entire canon from beginning to end. It took us about 18 months, and was a great experience. Since then I have taken about a 6 month break from watching any Star Trek (as much as I love it, I needed the break). Now that I'm starting to miss it, I have been toying with the idea of starting from the beginning again... only this time taking my time and even commenting on the experience as it unfolds.

To that end, stay tuned as I will periodically be posting my thoughts and musings on anything from specific episodes to story arcs to the overall chronology of the canon itself. I fully expect to take longer than 18 months this time (as I can no longer average an hour of Trek per day), but hopefully this time, through the power of blogging, I can bring some of you along for the ride!

As a first step to the "all-new" blog, I have updated the chronological list to make it more readable. For the purposes of the list itself, I have eliminated the original airdates, stardates, etc. and color-coded the episodes by series.

I hope you all will join me on this journey (or should I say trek) and feel free to comment on my posts.

Next stop... "Broken Bow"!