In Canada for a Silver Wedding

I arrived in Smithville, Ontario, from Dublin yesterday I wasn't quite over my jet-lag from my flight from Manila to Dublin via Abu Dhabi last Tuesday. Dublin is seven hours behind Manil at this time of year and Smithville is a further five hours behind. I also picked up a cold on the way home but that seems to be on the way out now.

I'm staying with Douglas and Maeve Devlin, both originally from Dublin, whom I met shortly after I wetnt to New York to study in 1969 when I was a young priest. They sold me their old car the following year for $1 when they went back to Dublin. However, they moved to Canada the following year and have been here ever since.

Maeve and Doug Devlin (left) at a parish function.

I attended the wedding of their elder daughter Jacqueline to Guy Lupien in 1985 and on Sunday will celebrate the parish Mass here at which they will renew their marriage vows.

The parish priest of St Martin of Tours is a Nigerian, Fr Obioma Anyanwu.

Father Obioma with Bishop James Wingle of the Diocese of St Catharines whose resignation was accepted in April.

There is an hour of adoration with Benediction every weekday before Mass. This is the result of Father Obioma asking for suggestions from the parishioners when he took over as pastor.