Gun grabbers DO NOT understand the danger that they're causing.

The gun grabbers just don't understand the danger that they're causing with these upcoming gun ban bills.

They forget that the President was only re-elected with a 52-48% percentage margin.  THAT IS FAR FROM A MANDATE!

They forget that the President is only popular on the coasts and in large urban areas.

They forget what happened the last time they succeeded in getting a gun ban.

Have you ever wondered what would happen with a Brady Bill on steroids?  Have you ever stopped and thought about how many Timothy McVeigh's they're creating?  Did you not notice the rioting at the Mississippi State campus right after the election?

Instead of being a centrist leader, the President is seeking to transform America...unfortunately for him half the population ain't buying what he's selling.

Consider everything I've written and then watch the vid below.  There are people that are fanning the flames.  If this is being said in the open then wonder what is being said behind closed doors.

This could easily lead to massive acts of public disorder.  Not rioting but acts of disobedience that could easily be confused with terrorism.  Even worse is the fact that Police, National Guard and the Military are being lined up as the enemy instead of the leaders that are pushing this through.


Let's hope these bills are killed.  Gun grabbers have talked alot of shit.  Some gun owners won't talk at all...they'll just act.