A Democrat Party Scheme???


New York.  Illinois.  Oregon.

All those states move to limit their citizens 2nd Amendment Rights.

Try that down South and I can show you a politician that will be out of office. Try that in the Mid West (except for Illinois)...try that in Arizona..Utah...Montana and the same applies.

I contend that this is all coordinated.  I also contend that you can see the battle lines being drawn in this fight.  Once again it will be red against blue states.

I bet body parts this is designed to show momentum for an assault weapons ban...in the end this will cost the Democrats dearly.  Add these draconian laws to the Obama Care taxes and the increase in payroll taxes that the President just signed and you're going to see Tea Party 2 make the first one look like a picnic.

The President and the Democrat party seriously miscalculated on this one.

I can't wait to see the fall out.