Sewing For Others

I don't know about you, but I don't normally sew for other people. Most people don't have any idea of how much work goes into sewing a garment and just the material costs alone are normally above their intended budget! Plus it's hard enough to fit yourself without having to learn someone else's body too. But every year my church does a live Nativity and this year I offered my help with the costumes.

The cast is mostly preschool through middle school kids and don't they look so cute! Most of the costumes we could use from last year's stock but many needed to be rehemmed or altered just a bit.

Shepard boys! (And on a side note, if you've ever heard my gripe about not being able to wear certain things to church/the barn, this is what I have to walk around in all day-sand!)

Angel girls waiting to go on!

My church does horse ministry so the wise men get to arrive in style!

Another group of wise men!

The Nativity went very well and the kiddies were so well behaved. I did end up running around and being super busy through most of church but it was so worth it! It was so great to be able to help out and use my sewing skills for my church!