Know your enemy. FARC has SA-7's.

Islamic terrorist have by my estimation three routes into Central and S. America in order to attack the US.

Venezuela, Mexican Drug Cartels and FARC operating out of Columbia.

Well FARC just got SA-7's.  Where they got them from I have no idea, but if they're from stockpiles in Libya then the international gun trade is bigger than I thought.

Notice too the helicopter that they fired against.  That's a Battle Hawk of the Colombian Air Force.  Commenters on Military Photos think that they simply missed.  My guess is that its a fight they didn't want and that this was simply a publicity stunt.  If they had succeeded in shooting down a helicopter on routine patrol then you'd see US Special Forces Teams hopping all over that country like bunnies on a golf course...operating along side Colombian Marines.

S. America.  The next war zone.