Finding your decades

When I came back from Costume College, I was just overwhelmed by all of the gorgeous dresses and new periods I'd discovered and I wanted to sew them all! Obviously, that was not going to happen. So while trying to educate myself about different periods, I also tried to boil down the periods that really spoke to me and that I'd realistically like to sew from for next year's Costume College. The 19-teens were an easy decade to stick to but I also found myself drawn to 1939 and 1940.

I really love the length being shorter than what was normal for most of the 30s.

It was prewar (mostly) so there were no rations on fun things. And the hats were so fabulous! The late 30s and early 40s are so my favorite period for hats.

Many of the design details I love about the 40s are starting to appear and the popular colors are fabulous!

But the 30s are still evident during this period. Look at the fabulous use of lines in this dress!

The girl in 1939 still has all of the glamor and edge of the 30s but mixed with the sweetness of the 40s.

I love a tailored top and swooshy skirt. And I want that hat!

There's a definite vibrancy and excitement about this period and I can't wait to sew more from it! Is there a new period that's been catching your eye lately?