Wild Hog Kill. Don't watch if squeamish.

I'm really getting into this wild boar hunting in a big way.  Year round hunts without a sideways glance from Game Wardens?  Love it!

Anyway, I learned a couple of things that I thought I'd pass on to you...

1.  They have built up scar tissue which explains why they're so hard to put down and why bullet placement is so important.  It runs from the neck past the rib-cage which is why you can hit them and they bounce up and scamper away.

2.  They're a bigger problem than most people are admitting.  The PETA types are putting our natural resources in jeopardy because of the restrictions on hunting that they've put in place in some of the more liberal areas of the country.  They're called a nuisance species for a reason.

3.  There are actually people that kill them with knives.  I don't have the courage to try that.  250 pounds of wild boar trying its best to rip my throat with its tusks indicates a need for firepower.  Still some are really into it.

4.  Trained dogs make it easier but I just couldn't see risking it with my animals.  I've seen pics of dogs that got shredded and its not a pleasant sight.

5.  They make you earn the kill.  Unless you have scouted the area pretty thoroughly and know there patterns (which could change if they start seeing TOO much human activity).  Expect to find them in the thickest, swampiest, rat and snake infested areas of a property...unless you're able and willing to set up feed stations for them...even then it can be hit and miss.

6.  Sows are good.  Piglets are good.  Boars are terrible.  Tasting that is.  I never took the chance cause the meat always smelled so rank when I tried to dress one big boar I took.  It was confirmed by some old timers I talked to.  Don't even mess with them...and definitely don't try and cook it out.  You won't be able to stay in your house for a week.  You can cook it well, chop it up and feed it to your dogs.  Don't let them eat it raw though.  The dangers of that should be obvious.

Last but not least.  If you care for your natural habitat then do your community a favor and kill a wild pig.