Super Storm Sandy--Marine Corps Update.

Make note all...the 26th MEU is being tasked with relief operations in the New York metropolis.

Good thing too.  Its getting little network attention but looting is supposedly widespread and the National Guard Units are being stretched thin.

The bad news?  Once the criminals realize that they have 12 hours or more of darkness (lights are suppose to be out for another week) to operate in, then we will probably see barbaric behavior.

I am amazed that they still haven't learned the lessons of Katrina.  Security first, Medical attention second and then food/water.  It really looks like they're ignoring security and rushing straight to providing MRE's.

My prediction?  By Saturday we're going to start hearing some horrific stories coming out of New York and New Jersey.  The relief effort started off good but this will turn nasty.

UPDATE 1:  My bet is that by Monday of next week we're looking at a full MEB being sent to that region.  Things are already dicey and it won't get better soon.

UPDATE 2:  Ok.  Let me modify my first prediction.  A cold front will move through the New York area in the middle or late next week.  Cold, hungry and mad?  That's when people are going to flip out.  Either way, its gonna get nasty UNLESS they can get the power back on.  The authorities know it too.  50,000 utility workers are suppose to be on the way...That's a Reinforced Marine Expeditionary Force...You're talking about two divisions plus of utility workers.  They're racing to prevent Armageddon.