Gun Websites put up this video and I'm glad they did. The weapon doesn't belong to GW or James Yeager...Yeager was giving one his contractor classes and the guys gun broke.
I'm sure they're laughing about it at home but think about the person that bought this gun.
He bought a Short Barreled Rifle that requires a ATF Tax Stamp to own. More than likely he waited a couple of months for his rifle to get built.
He probably ran a few rounds through it before taking it to class---and then before the day of the training he probably took it out for a good cleaning.
Then the poor bastard didn't even re-assemble his rifle correctly or do simple function tests on it.
That's Marine Corps 101. That old saying about being able to re-assemble your weapon blind folded and all that jazz.
That's why I sometimes question those in the prepper movement. Don't get me wrong. I believe in being prepared and not depending on government during times of emergency...but I can't help but wonder if alot of the people involved aren't just gun collectors that are looking for a reason to justify the hobby.
Either way here's a link to the Spikes Tactical. Info. Price.