Violent females. How do you respond as a man?

Forget all the stupidity you see in this video.

Concentrate on a few things.

1.  It appears that the female strikes the male first.  Supposedly she also spit on him.

2.  The male retaliated by launching a vicious upper cut.

3.  The reaction from the crowd and the female that struck the male was that "hey! she's a female!"

Consider those few things and then think that if a woman has an object she could brain a male considerably larger than her.  Consider that women are placing themselves in occupations where they will meet men in physical confrontations (in the instance  of this post Women in the Infantry).  Consider that even though everyone still screams about women and men being equal...even when it comes to physicality (I support this except when it comes to women being physically equal), yet these same people that are fully indoctrinated in that ideal still scream "she's a female when a male retaliates after being struck"...and lastly consider that laws in our society are  edged toward women when it comes to physical confrontations....

And I ask you.  How is a guy suppose to react if he is assaulted by a woman?  If you say that if he isn't hurt he's to walk away then I ask how can you define pain in someone else?  Is he suppose to simply report it?  Aren't we developing a society where women can behave badly with little consequence?

Don't laugh.  You could be minding your own business and get assaulted by some deranged female and have to consider your response to the attack.  Think about it before it happens!

I knew it would happen if I wrote this post.  Let me say again.  I am not anti-woman!  I know plenty of women that are much smarter than me, have better social skills and can teach me a thing or two about a thing or two.  But I'm not talking about brain power, this is a discussion of physicality.  Its about how a guy is to react to a woman if she is clearly wrong, yet decides to engage HIM in a physical confrontation.  Nothing more or less.