'Chuck' season 3 review - Sepinwall on TV

I began my review of "Chuck" season three column as an expansion of the blog post I wrote immediately after watching the new season's first five episodes. Then I decided I'd done enough preaching to the converted already about this show, and instead decided to do a sequel to my open letter to NBC from last spring - this time addressed to the many people (some of them possibly readers of this blog) who haven't yet given "Chuck" a try.

(And to answer one other question that keeps coming up: yes, you can jump on board the show with the third season if you didn't watch the first two. You'll miss some running gags, and some nuances of Chuck's main relationships, but overall the show is much more accessible and newbie-friendly than a lot of the hour-longs I pimp here. And if you get hooked, then you'll have the previous seasons - particularly the season two DVDs- to look forward to.)

Even with press tour on, I'll be back on Sunday night with a review of the first two episodes, and another on Monday for the third (and the first in the show's regular timeslot).

So go read the column, and we'll have lots more Buy More to talk about on Sunday night.